Do you have big goals and dreams but lack of time, energy, motivation, and support prevent you from reaching your goals?

Have you hit your rock bottom?

Well Sis, you are in the right place.

My name is Antinette and I support exhausted but motivated entrepreneurs and human service professionals in designing and living their best life in every area of their life.
It was just a few years ago when I was in an industry that I loved but a job that I hated.
I was BROKE working 16 hour shifts to make ends meet for a supervisor who got a kick out of making my life miserable.
I was in a relationship that was not going well plus add a baby to the mix.
I was going through it.
I was underpaid & stressed out.
I hit my rock bottom and I know I didn’t want to stay there.
There is something special about the bottom though, the only way to go is UP!
It was at that moment, I decided to make a change in my life.
And I am glad I did!

Are you ready to make transformational changes in your life?

Our Services were designed to support you in gaining clarity about the direction in which you are headed in your personal life and career, supporting you in developing strategies that support you in reaching your goals, while helping you to overcome your obstacles along the way!

I support my clients in

Recognizing their strengths

This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. Only for show.

Meeting personal and professional goals

This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. Only for show.

Boosting their confidence

This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. Only for show.

Increasing productivity

This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. Only for show.

Living in Peace

This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. Only for show.

Tarot Reading

My intuitive readings are focused on supporting you in gaining clarity in the situation you are currently facing. If you need clarity regarding your current situation and would like to receive insight from the cards, I encourage you to click “I’m Ready” now.

Workshop Facilitation

Are you looking for someone to design and facilitate a workshop/training that will support the groups you serve in elevating personally and/or professionally? Our workshops are 100% tailored to me the needs of the group. If you have a group that can benefit from these transformational workshops, please click “I’M Ready”, to discuss ways in which we can support you!

Tarot Reading

My intuitive readings are focused on supporting you in gaining clarity in the situation you are currently facing. If you need clarity regarding your current situation and would like to receive insight from the cards, I encourage you to click “I’m Ready” now.

Tarot Reading

My intuitive readings are focused on supporting you in gaining clarity in the situation you are currently facing. If you need clarity regarding your current situation and would like to receive insight from the cards, I encourage you to click “I’m Ready” now.

Workshop Facilitation

Are you looking for someone to design and facilitate a workshop/training that will support the groups you serve in elevating personally and/or professionally? Our workshops are 100% tailored to me the needs of the group. If you have a group that can benefit from these transformational workshops, please click “I’M Ready”, to discuss ways in which we can support you!


I sought Antinette services because I want to start my business but I did not know where to start. Antinette helped me to gain clarity on my business idea which supported me in getting my 1st paid client in my meditation business. I appreciate the time we spent together.

S. Wilson

I needed help with starting my non profit. Paperwork is not really my strong suite. My friend told me to contact Antinette. Antinette supported me in developing my proposal so I could obtain funding for my program, while also supporting getting my 501c3 status. I would recommend Antinette to anyone looking to start a non profit

Joy D

Working with Antinette was a phenomenal experience. She helped me to realize what it means to fix another queen’s crown. She does it all. She is my counselor, my business coach for my non profit organization, and if I need her to write a grant, she does that too. She knows her stuff. I enjoy working with Antinette. She helps me to stay in top of my goals

L. Olliver

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Antinette Develops blog was created to support you in receiving weekly written content
that will support you in reaching your personal and professional goals and while overcoming your obstacles!


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